It has been 4 months since I last felt the desire to blog. There was so much going on in my life....I felt obligated to post daily...and I just needed a break. Whew!
Well, needless to say I am here again. The concept of this blog is dear to me because I feel like "ReInvented Chick" so easily sums up who I am. I realize now that I do want to blog and will continue to do so if and when I pressure.
To give an update on what I have been up to since December 2009...first I went to South Carolina for 10 days during Christmas to visit family. I had a wonderful time and felt refreshed but was more than ready to come home.
Kicking off has been a great year so far. I am happy and my child is doesn't get any better than that. One thing I had noticed about myself was that I was sleeping so good at night. The weird thing was that nothing had changed...not my mattress, sheets, location of my bed...then my dad pointed out that it was because I was truly happy. I wake up feeling refreshed and stress free and for anyone who knows what I have been through in recent years this is amazing.
Other changes were that I became active in a graduate chapter of my sorority after being MIA for about 10 years, joined a professional HR organization and began studying for a certification to advance my career, and I met a man...yes, a man ya'll.
Meeting the man was the last thing on my mind and it's been fairly recent so I don't want to say a whole lot about him just yet, but after 2 1/2 years of living the single life this is exciting.
This post is longer than I intended but I wish happiness and peace to anyone who happens to come across this blog.
Be Blessed,
ReInvented Chick
Happy blogoversary :)