July 5, 2009

A Passion For Fullness

Yesterday I went to Church for the first time in a minute.

I woke up that morning and just felt the need to be in the House of the Lord. So my daughter and I got dressed and headed out.

They say the Lord works in mysterious ways and that day he knew that I needed to hear this message by this pastor at this church. It was about having a passion for fullness and becoming ready to live on a higher level.

The pastor spoke about knowing God for yourself and how as you get closer to God you get farther away from who you used to be, ultimately becoming a new man. He also talked about how God can lift you, change you, and make you new once you seek him.

The sermon resonated with me so deeply because it reflects what I am striving to do in this next decade of my life. It's what the idea for my blog is based on and what I think about all the time - becoming anew, learning new things, having new experiences, and becoming my best person, hence reinvented.

Of course, I boo hooed throughout the sermon as usual, but felt good.

Spiritually, at this point in my life I am learning to lean on God. You hear people say 'Let go and let God' all the time but it's easier said than done. I pray each night just before I go to sleep and so far this has helped to provide clarity and direction on my new path. I will definitely be going on a more regular basis so I'll keep you posted.

Big things I tell ya...big things at 30!

And just as an update, my roller wrap turned out beautifully and will definitely be what I'm rocking for the moment in order to keep heat away from my hair.

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