August 4, 2009

Options & Expiration Dates

At this point in my life everything, with the exception of family, is OPTIONAL.

I think about the fact that I quite possibly have another 30-40 years, if not more, of living to do. That's a long time and it's long enough to let me know that I want to do what I can to be happy over these upcoming years.

What does that mean?

First I need to end toxic friendships. I have a friend who is funny and great to hang out with, but when it comes to other things in our relationship, she really is dead weight. She asks for money and/or help in ridiculous situations and she is really not someone that I feel I can trust or who would even be there for me if I needed what' s the point.

I'm currently single so I don't have any toxic relationships to worry about. But the other thing is getting past things that have happened in the past. No matter how much I try and how much I love my daughter, I still find myself wondering how I ended up in such a dead end relationship with a man who would later become a dead beat dad. Why did I not have the foresight to see this. Hindsight is 20/20 and looking back he clearly showed signs of the man that he is today. I guess I just had my rose-colored glasses on...Supertight...But my point is, at this point, why should I worry about situations that happened years ago. Ten years from now will it even matter?

I'm just going through a mode in my life where I feel like 'Out with the old and in with the new'. Everything is up for evaluation and it's a cleansing of sorts for me and ultimately what will continue to bring happiness and joy to my life.

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