August 2, 2009

My Fabulous Weekend

For no reason in particular....

My 9 year old niece has been here visiting for the summer and I had an amazing time hanging out with her over the past couple of days. It is not often that I get to see her, let alone hang out, and it was just great to be able to put a smile on her face. We shopped, ate, went to Gattiland, and shopped some more.

On Saturday morning, we headed to Tennessee so that we could meet her grandparents, my aunt and uncle, at the half way point between Kentucky and South Carolina so that she could go back home. We met in the early afternoon, had lunch, then parted ways. Don't ask why, but I was super excited to see my aunt and uncle together....they have been divorced for nearly 25 years and I have always hoped that they'd get back together again...this trip was strictly business though...or at least as far as we knew.

After we parted ways, my cousin and I decided to go to the local outlets. We were already near the Gatlinburg area, a tourist resort in the Smoky Mountains, and the outlet mall there is fantastic. They have a little bit of everything and we really just wanted to check out what stores were there and do some quick shopping. In the usual fashion, I walked out with something for my baby and nothing for me.

Today, I grocery shopped with my mother, both of us with coupons in hand, and just spent time with her and my brother for the rest of the day. They are always good for laughs and a great time.

To top the weekend off, I spent nearly two hours on the phone catching up with my original BFF from high school. We hadn't spoken in about 6 or 7 years and it was great to pick up where we left off.

So while nothing major happened this weekend, it really was fabulous. Now it's back to the weekly grind.

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