July 25, 2009

The Balancing Act

It's not easy balancing career and motherhood. Any mother can tell you this and single mothers can probably tell it best.
In the month that I have been back at work it has been a whirlwind. I am still working to get our routine down....clothes ironed and laid out the night before, Camryn bathed and in bed by 9, squeeze in a little quiet time for myself, and asleep at a reasonable hour, only to be back up at 6 AM.

I'm still working on this...and poor Camryn just can't get with the program. I guess after almost 9 months of sleeping in, she is just not feeling the 6:45ish wake-up time. I have to keep her morning routine as simple as possible because she is already so cranky. She's been too sleepy to walk to the car so I carry her to the car and into the daycare and once she sees the other kids she finally peps up.

On top of that, there's the illnesses you deal with when kids are in daycare. Two weeks into my new job, she woke up with a rash on her face so I had to take her to the pediatrician to make sure she did not have anything contagious before taking her to daycare. It ended up being an allergic reaction to something she came in contact with and no medication was needed.

I had to pull myself together while waiting for the appointment because in that moment all of the stress of unexpected events that happen with children came to a head. I said a prayer, "Lord help me handle my circumstance" and let it go. My child comes first and if at some point it poses an issue with my career I will cross that bridge when I get there...hence the prayer. Fortunately I was at work by 10AM.

The following week, she developed a cold and luckily my mother had a day off so she was able to stay at home with her. This week, she is still under the weather and passed the cold on to me...

Which brings me to this point -- I am so thankful for having the family support that I have....don't know what I would do without them.

Nevertheless, everything always works itself out. While stressful, I continue to put a smile on my face and keep it moving!

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