November 30, 2009

How Many Kids Should You Have?

On Saturday, there was an interesting post on MSN about having children. See article here.

It made me think about my own desires when it comes to having children. Honestly, I have always felt like I wanted more children than I was willing or able to have. That was before baby.

Now that I have a child, I think more about the financial impact and time sacrifices that you must make to raise a child. Daycare - $600 per month, Time - Never ending. And while these sacrifices are well worth it, the freedom of child-free adults is never lost on me.

I always find myself torn between having a big family with lots of grandchildren and great grandchildren when I get older or just being content with my one super sweet baby girl. I love the relationship that I have with her and the fact that I have had the time and energy to enjoy so many moments in her development...but on the flip side I think about her growing up with no siblings. To me, when you have a sibling, you are never alone and always have a best friend in the world no matter what. I know that all sibling relationships are not like this but my family has always been pretty close and I would expect the same for her.

One thing is for sure though, I will not ever, never, ever consider having another baby unless I meet Mr. Right and get married. One baby daddy is more than enough and if love doesn't come my way before the 'ole biological clock ticks it's last tick, then more children just won't be an option for me.

That's the thing about my life. There are so many choices to be made and yet so many things that you cannot predict or happen by chance.

1 comment:

  1. I can so relate to what you are saying. I have two daughters and I know I want more children, but then, I'm a hype woman and I do not want to be solely a mother you know. But like you said,It does come with sacrifices. I know want a big family, grand children and the whole nine yards..but hey time will tell!

    Great post.

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