April 30, 2009

You Make Plans and God Laughs

Sometimes I think back to the day that I got laid off from my job and chuckle to myself.

My whole department was called into a meeting first thing on a Monday morning and were told that our jobs had been affected by the current economic downturn. We would be laid off immediately and they were sorry but that was that.

I was in shock and cried right there in the meeting. How could my job possibly be going away...What I did was important! And how would I find another job in this market.

I had plans to work for this company for exactly 5 years, then move on to X company in X role for X years...and etc.

Reality check, seriously. I'd been hearing about lay-offs almost daily on the news but when it happens to YOU, it's a different story.

So back to my chuckle. It's for a couple of reasons.

I am now so thankful for the opportunity to be at home with my daughter. Being at home with her since she was 13 months old has been so rewarding and valuable to me...and it's time that I will probably never have with her again.

Financially, between my severance package and unemployment, I did alright. All of the financial woes that I experienced while working and paying childcare are now gone.

And most of all, my piece of mind and contentment are back. My job at the consulting firm entailed a lot of hours and unforgiving deadlines so it did not make for good work/life balance. My time was consumed with work, caring for an infant, and all of the pressures that came with it.

My life currently consists of no alarm clocks and no bed times...daily episodes of Oprah and frolicking around with my daughter as I please. While it is only temporary, it sure has been much needed R&R.

I now know that God knew best exactly what I needed, when I needed it...regardless of my plans.

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